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Person-Activity Fit Diagnostic

How do you go about selecting the set of activities that are the optimal fit for you? Which type of fit is best? Fortunately, the answer is simple and straightforward. I have developed a self-diagnostic test that conveniently incorporates all the different ways of measuring fit, whether it is fit with your weaknesses, your strengths and goals, or your needs and lifestyle. This test of person-activity fit uses a systematic, empirically based approach to determine which set of happiness activities (out of twelve) will be most valuable for you to try.


Set aside fifteen to thirty minutes to complete it in a quiet setting - the test requires effort and concentration and be sure to rate all twelve activities presented. How you answer this diagnostic is crucial to everything else that you will learn in this book. But that having been said, it’s not a test in the sense that there are right or wrong responses but rather an opportunity to define yourself, so the only prerequisite is to be honest and true.”

Person-Activity Fit Diagnostic - test time

Results - activities in brief

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